Could Your Boston, MA Business Be Suffering from Sick Building Syndrome?

Could Your Boston, MA Business Be Suffering from Sick Building Syndrome?

August 31, 2022

When cold and flu season lasts longer than normal or seems to happen every month, it might be time to check your Boston, MA building for problems. Commercial buildings can suffer from a condition called sick building syndrome, which is potentially dangerous. Learn more about the causes and signs of sick building syndrome and how to deal with the issue below.

What Is SBS?

Sick building syndrome, or SBS, is a condition that usually affects people who work together in the same area or on the same floor. It can also impact those in different work areas. SBS usually causes several symptoms, including discomfort, when inside the affected building.

Causes of SBS

One possible cause is poor ventilation, as it allows toxins and germs to stay in the environment. With routine HVAC maintenance, you can remove those pollutants and keep the air clean. Other causes include unusual lighting and people working too close together.

Signs and Symptoms of SBS

Headaches are among the more common signs of SBS, especially headaches that clear up when your workers go outside. Many people also suffer from dry eyes, mouths, and runny or stuffy noses. Quite a few of the signs are similar to cold symptoms but affect multiple people who are usually healthy.

Your employees might notice unusual rashes on exposed skin areas, fatigue, and a lack of concentration. Opening the windows and spending some time outside can help, but it’s impossible to spend the whole day working outside. The symptoms can worsen as your employees remain exposed to the problem.

SBS can affect dozens of people who work around each other and cause them to all experience different symptoms. Find the source and decide on the best treatment options by contacting the team at Sagamore. We specialize in many kinds of commercial HVAC services, including treating SBS. One of our teammates will drop by your business, learn more about the SBS symptoms your company has been experiencing, and form a plan of action. Likely, it will include bringing in pieces of indoor air quality equipment along with other possible solutions.

Image provided by iStock

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